Transforming Healthcare Contact Centers: The Power of Secure Patient Texting

Secure Texting

August 14, 2024
A medical professional reviewing the conversations with patients on a computer screen. A man checking his smartphone for text messages.

In the evolving landscape of healthcare communication, secure patient texting has emerged as a vital tool for healthcare call centers. This technology not only streamlines communication but also ensures compliance with stringent HIPAA regulations, safeguarding patient information. Here, we explore the benefits of secure patient texting for healthcare call centers, emphasizing its importance in enhancing the patient experience, operational efficiency, and data security.

Enhancing the Patient Experience

With chronic staffing shortages, the average call center hold time is roughly 13 minutes; most people are willing to wait 2-3 minutes on hold before getting upset. Fifty-seven percent of customers find long hold times to be a frustrating part of the service experience. Even more concerning, 80% of customers will switch to a competitor after more than one bad experience with a business.

Patient expectations for convenience is rising. Meeting those expectations is good for patients and the bottom line. Ninety-three percent of customers say they would make repeat purchases with a business that provides excellent customer service.

From an organizational perspective, increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by between 25% and 95%, converting your contact center from a cost center to instead driving revenue.
A mother happily holding her daughter inside of a clinic.

Secure patient texting significantly improves the patient's experience by facilitating convenient and efficient communication between healthcare providers and patients. This method allows healthcare call centers to quickly relay critical information, such as appointment reminders, test results, and medication instructions, directly to patients' mobile devices. By reducing the need for back-and-forth phone calls, secure texting ensures that patients receive necessary information promptly, enhancing their overall healthcare experience.

Secure texting is also useful for inbound communications. It allows patients to avoid the frustration of long hold times and supports convenient asynchronous conversations. Moreover, secure texting supports patient engagement and retention by providing a convenient communication channel that patients increasingly prefer. This ease of communication helps keep patients informed and engaged in their healthcare journey, leading to better health outcomes.

Operational Efficiency

Implementing secure patient texting in healthcare call centers leads to significant improvements in operational efficiency. By reducing the volume of inbound and outbound phone calls, call centers can manage their workload more effectively, allowing staff to focus on more complex tasks that require personal interaction. This efficiency not only saves time but also reduces operational costs and staff burnout, contributing to a better bottom line for healthcare organizations. Secure texting also streamlines workflows by enabling healthcare providers to communicate directly with patients and other care team members. This capability is particularly beneficial in scenarios such as patient discharges, where secure messaging can reduce wait times and expedite the discharge process, as evidenced by studies showing a 50-minute reduction in patient discharge times.

Data Security and Compliance

One of the most critical aspects of secure patient texting is its ability to maintain data security and compliance with regulations such as HIPAA. Secure texting platforms, such as QliqSOFT's secure communication platform, use encryption technologies to protect sensitive patient information during transmission, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the data. This level of security is crucial in preventing data breaches and maintaining patient confidentiality. When combined with HIPAA-secure forms, organizations can move beyond using call centers to send appointment reminders to now capture important patient information, consents and more to streamline patient visits.

Healthcare call centers can further enhance security by implementing features such as auto-deleting messages, administrative controls, and secure access protocols. These measures provide peace of mind to both healthcare providers and patients, knowing that HIPAA-secure texting protects patient information from unauthorized access.

Contact center agents at work - a female agent is looking at the computer screen while wearing a headset.

Flexibility and Scalability

Secure patient texting solutions offer flexibility and scalability, making them suitable for healthcare organizations of all sizes. Whether it is a large hospital system or a single physician practice, secure texting platforms can be tailored to meet many communication needs. This adaptability allows healthcare organizations to start with basic staff-to-patient secure texting and gradually embrace population-level outreach. Population-level outreach includes conversational AI chatbots, for example to educate patients on gaps in care and the importance of scheduling a preventive health appointment as they mature - an important strategy to succeed in value-based care.


The value of secure patient texting for healthcare call centers cannot be overstated. By enhancing the patient experience, improving operational efficiency, ensuring data security, and offering flexibility, secure texting is a powerful tool that addresses the communication challenges faced by modern healthcare organizations. As the healthcare industry continues to embrace digital transformation, secure patient texting will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of two-way patient-provider communication.

The Author
Bobbi Weber

Bobbi is a lifelong learner who is passionate about enabling healthcare transformation. She has 20+ years of healthcare experience in care delivery, consulting, healthcare IT, and market strategy.

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